Monday, March 26, 2012

South Korean Vaccination Schedule and Free Vaccinations from the Gu Office

Part of this information is from a friend of mine living in SK and the rest is from my vaccination booklet (which will be given to you on your baby's first visit to the doctor):

Vaccination Schedule:
Week 1: Hep B
0~4 weeks: BCG
1 month: Hep B
2 months: DTaP, Polio, Hib, PCV (Pneumococcal), Rotavirus
4 months: DTaP, Polio, Hib, PCV (Pneumococcal), Rotavirus
6 months: Hep B, DTaP, Polio, Hib, PCV (Pneumococcal), Rotavirus
after 6 months: influenza, once a year
12~15 months: chickenpox, MMR, Hib, PCV (Pneumococcal)
12~23 months: Japanese encephalitis, Hep A
15~18 months: DTap
4~6 years: DTap, Polio, MMR
6 years: Japanese Encephalitis
11~12 years: Td (dyptheria & tetanus); HPV
12 years: Japanese encephalitis

Free Vaccinations Offered by Your Local Gu Office (available to any child with South Korean National Health Insurance)

B형 - Hep B
소아마피- Polio
수두 - Chicken pox
일본 뇌염- Japanese Encephalitis